Friday, January 21, 2005


The worst birthday week ever. Last Saturday I became seriously ill and stayed home all weekend, including Monday which was MLK Day. Suddenly I cannot hear well, my eyes feel like they're coming out of their sockets, I can't breathe, my body feels like it's time travelling. Went to the doctor on Tuesday, I have a sinus infection. Sometime while I stayed home over the weekend, the temperature outside dipped 30 degrees. It is so freaking cold here. This weather sucks ferrets. Walking outside to work for 20 minutes each way is hell on earth. I stay at work until 8pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, getting home around 9pm both nights. Wednesday is my birthday. What a horrible time of year for a birthday, at least in this part of the country. I wake up, curse my health and this stupid weather, go to work, go home, eat dinner, talk to Mom and Dad, and go to bed. Wooo hooo. But I have good friends. They have organized a birthday night soiree for this Saturday. Dinner at Cucina di Pesce, drinks afterward. God please show me May.

Well it dumped snow all freaking day on Saturday, so only two of my friends were able to make my birthday dinner. But we had fun in our little group. Went to Pianos after dinner to meet two more friends for some Columbia party thing with free Red Stripes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Top 10 Reasons Why I'm Tired of Rankings

7. Because students who go to school #12 think they're smarter than or that they go to a better school than students at school #15.
4. Because 5 is cooler than 2.
9. Because who the freak decides how to figure out the "fattest" city?
8. Because they serve no purpose other than to generate revenue for the associated magazine, TV channel, newpaper, etc. Got that VH-1??

Friday, January 07, 2005

Most Annoying Phrases You're Guilty Of Using

he/she/it is so ___, it's not even funny
___ing left and right
oh my god i was so drunk
i was wasted
you know what i'm saying
you know what i mean
you know?

New Year's Havoc

A couple girlfriends came over early New Year's Eve to set up decorations in my apt. They did an awesome job, there were balloons and stringers everywhere and the leftover Christmas lights added a nice touch. My ridiculous roommate was moving out that day and still had friends over for a little pre-party, even though she wasn't staying there that night, so they left us a nice mess to clean up. Grrr. About 15 of us went to have dinner at Le Zoccole on Ave A around 8:30pm, very tasty. Koko the waitress said she might stop by our party later. We went back to my apt, put on some tunes, turned on the Times Sq ball-dropping-countdown thing, and opened the bottles. The temperature was in the 50's, like spring! Countdown happened and all the girls started dancing. About 3am, we went around the corner to another friend's place and everyone was all crunk and a bunch of dancin' fools. I partied too hardy and had to go home, the early bird, at 5am. Everyone else went home around 6:30am. My friend Brooke stayed over to help clean up the next day. I got up around noon and she already had finished the entire downstairs, mopped and everything. What a woman. So we took our showers and went for brunch at Cocina Latina and had some lip-smackin' beans and rice and eggs and chipotle sauce and whatnot. I layed around the rest of the day and then watched my Longhorns win the friggin' Rose Bowl in the final 2 seconds on a field goal.